Swarovski Puffy heart

Swarovski Puffy heart

Sunday, November 2, 2014

I'm blessed!

After having some family members passed away, I was very sad as expected, but started thinking, you know, there are people out there less fortunate, people without food, people not knowing what their kids are going to eat or if they will be able to eat, people without jobs, and I thought: even though I loss my mom (whom I still miss incredibly, but know she is not suffering anymore) and other family members during the last two months, I'm blessed! I have my husband, dear son, my new daughter in law, step grand kids, friends, job, and health! I'm blessed!
So, I sat down and made this blessed bracelet. I'm going to wear it often to remind myself that no matter what, I'm blessed! It will be for sale also at nalita.etsy.com for anybody that is interested in getting one.

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